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Village of Dunnottar Sustainability Committee


Sustainability is the importance of caring for the environment while promoting a more responsible and ethical way of living and conducting business. 

First a Little History-

Community members were called together in 2016 to brainstorm and plan a sustainable path forward. With meetings and reviews, the 2018 document, Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, known as the ICSP was created a guide to the current and future well being of our Village. 

The Village of Dunnottar created the current Sustainability Committee in June 2024.

The purpose of this committee is to identify, encourage and support sustainable practices, initiatives and projects for the Village. This means working with established groups to support projects and to promote and assist with projects brought forward. 

The Village Council has appointed four members to the committee; Rosemary Miguez, Wendy Buelow, Florence Eastwood, and Ken Moore along with Council Liason and Facilitator, Janice Thevenot.

In the summer of 2025, we will be holding an Annual General Meeting and feel this will be a well attended evernt. People are already showing an interest in sustainability. Keep checking back on this webiste for the date and location and please join our email contact list to stay informed! 

Any questions and ideas for the committe are welcome, and interest in committee involvement.

We also have an interactive Facebook group, Dunnottar Sustainability Group

The work of the Sustainability Committee (Sustain VOD) is guided by the document created in 2018 after community consultations, and we encourage all Villagers to read the document. The plan is based on the folowing four pillars:



3.Community alignment/partnering


Sustainability in the Village means more than caring for the environment and the lake, it means supporting a thriving community with social and physical well-being, supporting a community that participates in the arts and values history and culture.

Mayor and Council will carry out all actions within the ICSP, including future planning and revisions, within the spirit of reconciliation with First Nations people. This will be done with openness to understanding and sharing local and regional truths. 


* The VIllage of Dunnottar is the birthplace of the Lake Winnipeg Foundation. Founded in 2004, the founding members include Anne Dougherty, Joy McLean, Barbara Oberding, Lyle Lockhart, Bruce Smith, Robin Mather, Don Winstone, Art Chipman, Mayor Rick Gamble, and Bill Percy.

*The Village of Dunnottar utilizes a passive filtration system for wastewater. This technology is low maintenance and low cost but provides simliar benefits to a wastewater treatment plant.

*The Village of Dunnottar has a demonstration solar installation at the municipal office. The municipal office carport isn't just for parking-- it generates enough energy to power the admin office. 

*The Village has two electric vehicle chargers: A level 2 charger located at Ponemah Beach Central on Central Avenue and a level 3 charger on Gimli Road at Tugela Creek.

*The land where Dunnottar now sits has a rich heritage of First Nations, Metis peoples. When the railway came through, many cultural groups from Europe fell in love with the area creating cottage country living. 

*There is a park (Railway St @ Tugela Creek), Spirit Park, where resident Linda Parks is acknowledged for her work within the Royal Bank creating an Aboriginal funds program.

*In 1947 Dunnottar was officially incorporated as a municipality. 

*Dunnottar boasts a rich heritage in cottages, many of which are over 100 years old. 

*The Village was named after Scotland's Dunnottar Castle

*Dunnottar has a bird sanctuary, named "Dunnottar's Little Green Space" by birder Charlie McPherson and Mayor Rick Gamble. This is a block of special wetland habitat located at the North East corner of the Village in Ponemah, at Division Road & Laurel. It hosts summer birds, but is especially good for migrating warblers in the Spring. Come, relax at the new picnic table, and bring your binoculars!