The Village of Dunnottar has created a Trap Neuter and Release program in an attempt to control the feral cat issues within the Village.
Payment will only be processed on cats that are accompanied with an authorization form from the Village office. Authorization forms can be obtained from the Village office during regular business hours.
Appointments must be made with the veterinary clinics ahead of time, as walk ins will not be accepted.
Agreements have been made with the Selkirk Animal Hospital and Selkirk Veterinary Services where residents can take in feral cats to be spayed/neutered. NO CATS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE VETERINARIAN FROM AN INDIVIDUAL REQUESTING EUTHANIZATION. EUTHANIZATION WILL BE PERFORMED AT THE VETERINARIAN'S DISCRETION.
Residents are responsible for trapping and transporting cats to and from the veterinary clinics. Residents will not be compensated for time or travel. The Village does not have traps available for trapping feral cats.
Each year the Village will authorize a certain number of cats to be spayed/neutered through this program. Once this number has been reached there will be no more services available for that year.
The Village of Dunnottar's TNR program will run from May 1 to October 15 of each year, if the veterinarian feels that conditions are not suitable for releasing the cats these dates may be amended at their discretion.
For more information please contact the Village office, 204-389-4962 or email